  • 11.05.2022
  • sebastian
We have already had the second DMF 360 in house since November 2021 and would like to officially "welcome" it here once again.

The 5-axis milling machine DMF 360|11 from DMG Mori impresses with the traverse path of up to 3,600 mm in X, 1,100 mm in Y as well as 900 mm in Z and is ideally suited for long workpieces with a maximum dimension of up to 4,200 mm. If necessary, the work area can be divided by a partition wall, thus ensuring greater flexibility and shorter setup times for smaller milled parts. The machine bed made of mineral casting as well as the thermo-symmetrical moving column offer highest precision, long-term accuracy and stability.

For us, a team with the highest attention to precision and quality, exactly the right machine.


  • 21.02.2016
  • IG
Taenzler - the name stands in Saxony now not only the transport conveyor systems horizontally, but now vertically. A paternoster system which is selfdesigned and manufactured, has been installed after the successful test phase in Saudi Arabia.
  • 05.05.2015
  • tma
Please take a look at our job portal. We would like to expand our team and we look forward to receiving your application. We offer a company with short decision paths, a dynamic and successful team and a full-time job with an open-ended contract under best working conditions in new premises.
  • 13.10.2014
  • tma
We have outstanding employees, great products, a new production hall as well as a new office. And now, we have a new Internet presence. We operate globally, thus we present ourselves in the World Wide Web – not only on this website, but also on Google plus and Facebook. Welcome to our new website, which was created by the young and dynamic team around Nick Jantschke from ELB/BYTE STUDIO GmbH (more…)
  • 13.10.2014
  • tma
After one year of construction, we have entered the final straight. The relocation is about to happen and the employees are looking forward to their new workplaces. Meanwhile, production goes on and research and development for a new, innovative and globally demanded product is undertaken – but more on this later! :-)
bautafel (1)
  • 13.10.2014
  • tma
Dem Wachstum und Sicherung des Unternehmens steht noch die räumliche Begrenzung im Weg.  Die Gesellschaft baut auf dem unternehmenseigenen Grundstück eine neue und weitere Produktionshalle. Bestandteil dieses Projektes ist ebenso die Errichtung eines Verwaltungsobjektes mit neun Büroeinheiten. Des Weiteren wird die Lackierung umgebaut und mit einer neuen Maschine ausgestattet. Die Umsetzung ist kurz vor dem Abschluss. Der Neubau wird nicht nur  bessere Kennzahlen ermöglichen, er wird auch bessere Produktions – und Arbeitsbedingungen schaffen.
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